Breakthroughs in Biomedical Research: Review/Minireview Issue

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About this Issue


EBM will only accept Reviews or Minireviews for this Issue.

The Breakthroughs in Biomedical Research: Review/Minireview Issue will focus on areas covered by our twenty two Experimental Biology and Medicine Research Categories. EBM wishes to receive Reviews or Minireviews that are covering ground breaking studies that have been impactful in changing or challenging long held paradigms in Experimental Biology that impacts the practice of medicine and human health.

EBM wants this issue to present reviews and minireviews that present cutting edge biomedical research that has changed our thinking and approaches to the practice of medicine and improving human health. The journal wants these reviews/minireviews to cut across the translational spectrum from T0 to T4 and fall within any of the twenty two research categories covered by EBM. EBM is particularly focused on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary work.

This issue is open to all review and mini-review submissions within the journals 22 categories. Please check the category list which provides the scope of each category at

Issue Research topic image

Article types and fees

This Issue accepts the following article types, unless otherwise specified in the Issue description:

  • Brief Communication
  • Commentary
  • Editorial
  • Mini Review
  • Original Research
  • Review

Articles that are accepted for publication by our external editors following rigorous peer review incur a publishing fee charged to Authors, institutions, or funders.

Keywords: Biomedical Research, Basic Research, Translational Research, Clinical Research, Population Health Research

Issue editors