AUTHOR=Ma Li , Chen Ru , Ge Weigong , Rogers Paul , Lyn-Cook Beverly , Hong Huixiao , Tong Weida , Wu Ningning , Zou Wen TITLE=AI-powered topic modeling: comparing LDA and BERTopic in analyzing opioid-related cardiovascular risks in women JOURNAL=Experimental Biology and Medicine VOLUME=250 YEAR=2025 URL= DOI=10.3389/ebm.2025.10389 ISSN=1535-3699 ABSTRACT=

Topic modeling is a crucial technique in natural language processing (NLP), enabling the extraction of latent themes from large text corpora. Traditional topic modeling, such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), faces limitations in capturing the semantic relationships in the text document although it has been widely applied in text mining. BERTopic, created in 2022, leveraged advances in deep learning and can capture the contextual relationships between words. In this work, we integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) modules to LDA and BERTopic and provided a comprehensive comparison on the analysis of prescription opioid-related cardiovascular risks in women. Opioid use can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in women such as arrhythmia, hypotension etc. 1,837 abstracts were retrieved and downloaded from PubMed as of April 2024 using three Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) words: “opioid,” “cardiovascular,” and “women.” Machine Learning of Language Toolkit (MALLET) was employed for the implementation of LDA. BioBERT was used for document embedding in BERTopic. Eighteen was selected as the optimal topic number for MALLET and 23 for BERTopic. ChatGPT-4-Turbo was integrated to interpret and compare the results. The short descriptions created by ChatGPT for each topic from LDA and BERTopic were highly correlated, and the performance accuracies of LDA and BERTopic were similar as determined by expert manual reviews of the abstracts grouped by their predominant topics. The results of the t-SNE (t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) plots showed that the clusters created from BERTopic were more compact and well-separated, representing improved coherence and distinctiveness between the topics. Our findings indicated that AI algorithms could augment both traditional and contemporary topic modeling techniques. In addition, BERTopic has the connection port for ChatGPT-4-Turbo or other large language models in its algorithm for automatic interpretation, while with LDA interpretation must be manually, and needs special procedures for data pre-processing and stop words exclusion. Therefore, while LDA remains valuable for large-scale text analysis with resource constraints, AI-assisted BERTopic offers significant advantages in providing the enhanced interpretability and the improved semantic coherence for extracting valuable insights from textual data.